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Holy Spirit

10 May

It’s been raining heavy here for the past two or three days and wind has been strong. It’s hard to believe that it is Spring, as this weather seems more like a Fall storm. Winter was long and Spring is late. The leaves are budding, but, I think they are hanging on for warmer and drier weather before they open up!

This weather the past few days has made me think about the Holy Spirit. So often, in my life, and in the church, the Holy Spirit is suppressed. I need the Lord to come and pour heavy rain down upon me. My soul needs to be wet and overflow like the drainage banks at the end of my yard. I need the Holy Spirit to come like a rushing wind and bend me around like the branches on a tree. I need filling up.

Open and surrendered, may you have your way Yahweh.

Happy Easter

24 Apr

The Son is Shining


It is a blue sky day.

Happy Easter!


22 Apr

copyright Lyn Hallewell


Stations of the Cost

15 Feb

I must admit that I love the winter Olympics, it’s probably my favourite sporting event. I’ve never spent much time thinking about the implications of hosting it before though. Thanks to Bill, I’ve come across Stations of the Cost which John Santic has produced. It’s a collection of art, photos and poems reflecting on the real cost of hosting the olympic games. The twelve stations help people to recognize that many are suffering as a result of the Olympics as low cost housing disappears, government debt increases, the environment erodes, and the poor are criminalized.

Happy Easter

12 Apr

Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen! Luke 24:5-6 (NIV)

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)