
6 Mar

I’m a huge fan of the work of Compassion. I think, if financially able to, everyone should consider child sponsorship. It makes a huge difference to the life of a child who would otherwise not receive an education. As well as educating the sponsored child, they also get other basic necessities, such as clothes, blankets and food. It doesn’t end there though, sponsorship helps transform the child’s family and their community. When you sponsor a child through an organization, like Compassion, it means that they are on the ground there in that child’s community, making a difference. I am in awe at what they do. Everyone has a dream job in life, and my dream job is working for an organization like Compassion. I’m hoping that once the kids are older I will fulfill that dream.

Amy, at Make Me a Mary, has written a great blog post today called Top 10 Totally Selfish Reasons to Sponsor a Child Through Compassion. I only recently came across Amy’s blog, through Sisters in Bloom, I love her heart and the things she writes about.

1. I get a thrill clicking that “Sponsor Now” button. It’s not every day that you get to add a child to your family, and once you’ve met your new love through the Internet it seems you can’t write to him/her fast enough. And you can hardly wait to hear back from them.

2. It helps me learn geography. Of course the first thing I do is look at a map to see where he/she lives. I always learn something because I’m not very good with geography and I don’t know a lot about other cultures. I love how Compassion provides lots of great information about each child’s family, community, and country. It’s so interesting!

3. It keeps close to my heart Jesus’s command to care for the poor and needy. As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve neglected this huge part of the Gospel my entire life. But reaching impoverished children and their families with the message of Christ’s love is at the heart of what Compassion strives to do—and they do it well.

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Ache – Five Minute Friday

2 Mar

Here we are for another Five Minute Friday! Five minutes writing, no editing etc; just write for fun!

Today’s word is:



Ache is quite an apt word for me today as my body is aching all over! I have a cold and feel quite blah! Exhaustion has finally caught up with me, just as March break begins and my hubby has a week off work – boo! (to the cold, not the week off!)

As I ponder “ache” I know that there is an ache in my heart. An ache to find adventure, follow dreams and fulfill purpose. I would so love to spend more time writing and speaking, I love doing both, but I’m not sure if I’ve got what it takes, if anyone would be interested in me or how to even open doors to enable me to do this? I always get encouraging feedback when I preach at church, so I know I communicate well when I speak, but what next? I was hoping to go to a well know female speakers conference in the summer, but my heart sunk when I saw the price for the conference ($600) and then travel would be on top.

On top of this I have another ache in my heart. An ache to walk even closer with the Lord. To be able to sense Him and hear Him in all I do. I wonder if the closeness I want with Him is even possible? I seek and continue to ache.


photo copyright of Lyn Hallewell, do not use without permission.

Greeks and Surprise Visits – Homeschool Mothers Journal

2 Mar

In our homeschool this week… We have continued to learn about Archimedes and how he used math. Also, as part of our study of Ancient Greece, we have been learning about Alexander the Great. In science we have been studying Louis Pasteur, Robert Koch and Joseph Lister. We have learned about their groundbreaking discoveries concerning bacteria, the spread of germs and vaccinations.

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing… My husbands parents are currently visiting from the UK. It was a surprise for his 40th birthday next week! Next week is also March break here, so we will be spending lots of time out and about visiting places.

My favorite thing this week was… realizing how far my daughter has come on with her reading. She was a struggling reader for a few years and this year she has blossomed. Yesterday we came to the end of a chapter book she’s been reading to me. Afterwards I was reflecting, and I was so pleased with the number of new words she has learned to read in just this book. I can’t tell you how good it feels when your child has struggled so long in an area and suddenly you watch them hit breakthrough! No more tears! It’s so awesome!

What’s working/not working for us… I’m at the point of the year where I am considering next years curriculum. This year we have used Heart of Dakota. I have no issues with the curriculum, it has been great, but we will be returning to Sonlight this coming school year. My son will be in grade 8 and I think Sonlight is better geared for high school.

Questions/thoughts I have… My main thoughts now are on high school. Even though it’s 18 months away, I am already trying to think and plan a curriculum. I’m ordering a copy of Debra Bell’s Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling Teens. I don’t know if we will homeschool all through highschool, but we will definitely go through until the end of grade 10.

Things I’m working on… Erm (cough, cough!) still that winter scarf for my husband!

I’m reading… Just ending Kisses From Katie

A photo, video, link, or quote to share… I love this quote that was posted by Proverbs 31 ministries on their Twitter and FB feeds earlier this week, entitled Simple Rest:

Such a great quote for many things in life, but very apt for homeschooling. It’s difficult, sometimes, when everyone is raving about a particular curriculum or  a method of homeschooling. A big part of you feels like you should try the new thing because you don’t want your kids to miss out. However, if something is working for your kids, it’s generally better to stick with that.

The Justice Conference 2012

1 Mar

The Justice Conference 2012 took place last weekend. I was really bummed that I couldn’t go, but, financially, a flight out to Oregon wasn’t going to happen! Videos of the conference are going to be released shortly, keep an eye on The Justice Conference website for more info. I’m definitely going to be getting them! In the mean time, take a look at some of the conference notes that were taken and have been posted on the following blogs: Tim Hoiland, Karen Spears Zacharias and Erin Vroom. Next year the conference is in Philadelphia – can’t wait to go!


23 Feb

This week the kids have been studying the poem below. It kind of resonates with where I am at right now. I think I have a case of the winter blues!


The rain to the wind said,
‘You push and I’ll pelt.’
They so smote the garden bed
That the flowers actually knelt,
And lay lodged–though not dead.
I know how the flowers felt.

(Robert Frost)